Thursday, September 15, 2011

What did Jesus mean when he said "...".

Answer the following question:
What did Jesus mean when He said," Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

Due no later then ll:59 Sunday, September 19, 2011.


  1. I believe that what he meant was that, once the Jews understood Jesus' teachings, REALLY understood them, then enlightenment and peace would follow. It's like what you said to us in class, that you were going to tell us why we should believe in the Bible and God. That you would give us the actual reasons to follow the Christian faith. I think that is why you chose this question for the latest blog. You wanted to have a connection between this question and what we would be focusing on in the upcoming classes.

  2. I believe it's that when we understand what truth REALLY means, and that as humans with understanding the real meaning of truth we won't need to lie and we won't be carrying that" ball and chain" meaning the gilt and the lies and so we would be free.

  3. I believe that when you are telling the truth and living by the truth you feel good about yourself. You don't need to worry about lies and all the sin of the world. When you confess to Jesus and live in HIS truth, you will feel renewed and overjoyed, you will feel free from the bondage of your sin and shame.

  4. I belive that when jesus said "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free" he is telling us once you find what you believe otherwise know as "the truth" you will be worry free and stripped from bondage, sin & guilt. When you find God which is the truth you will then learn to let God take control of your life and cast everything on him, therefore making you FREE IN CHRIST!


  5. What I believe Jesus ment was the truth will free you from your sins. When he says then you will know the truth... he was talking about himelf. He will make you understand him and he will set you free because he is the truth.


  6. When He said that i think he meant that once you know the truth, the truth will set you free and you would e one with God. So basically saying that knowing the truth would free you from all your sins and you will be closer with God


  7. On the last blog i said at the end THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!!! Jesus was saying if you tell the hole truth even when knowing your going to get in trouble. The truth will set you free from having to lie.Jesus was also saying that your going to be forgiven from ALL your sin! jember

  8. In John 14:6 Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life.” I believe “the truth” refer the person and the work of Jesus Christ. It is the saving truth. Jesus himself is the truth. He is Savior and Lord. That Savior and Lord will save people free from the darkness of sin by His dead on the cross and resurrection from the grave. He frees us from death, shows us how to have eternal life from God. Jesus gives to us is real freedom to serve God. True freedom is found only in Jesus Christ.


  9. When Jesus said "the truth will set you free" i think he was refering to himself as the truth like he did when he said "i am the way, the TRUTH, and the light" John 14:6. i think hes saying that through jesus (if we let him) he will free us from bondage and pain holding us down from our past. i dont think he meant that telling the truth will set you free, because telling the truth isnt always easy and it dosnt always make you feel better otherwise no one would lie.

  10. I belive that the truth is what god want's your truth to be, like something can be true to you and not true, to someone else, but THE truth is christ himself, he will free us from sin, thank the!!!!!

  11. I believe that when Jesus was talking about the truth, he was referring to Himself. In knowing Jesus, we are set free from the bondage of sin and our sinful nature, because it holds no power over us any longer.


  12. I belive that the truth will set you free from your sins. Always say the truth, and always say the correct thing because one day all your lies will come to light.

  13. I think believe this means that once we know the truth (God) we will be free from our sins and lies. And knowing we are living a life of truth will make us feel better about ourselves.


  14. I think that what God meant with this verse was that if you know what truth is, if you understand what truth is, and you demonstrate what truth really is, you will be able to live a better life in God. I believe that God just wanted to let everyone know that truth is important, and if you truly know what it is, your life will be set free


  15. What I feel Jesus meant by that is that when you lie, sometimes you have to cover that lie up with another lie, and it keeps on going like that, making things into a big mess. Eventually one will feel trapped in their own lies but if you start saying the truth you don't have to be caught up in a big mess. "the Truth will set you free" I feel like Jesus wants us to be honest with ourselves and others. . . .

    Silvia XD

  16. I think that Jesus was trying to say that when you lie, you're trying to avoid something or hide something and you're not truly enjoying life. You're always scared that someone will find out about the lies, and you start living in chains. Jesus(the truth) can break those chains & SET YOU FREE!!So you can enjoy life, without having to remember what you said last.
    ------> NANCY

  17. Jesus meant that if you live in the belief that God is pure and holy, and that Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day it will set you free. Because that is the Truth. Jesus is the Truth. He sets you free from SIN. If you follow the WAY, and you know the TRUTH, then you will receive eternal LIFE. Walk like Jesus, trust in Him, and you will be free from sin, and the consequences thereof.


  18. i believe that Jesus means that the truth will be made obvious for us to know and that when we tell the truth and live it out it will free us from the burden of sin and guilt. -Ethan

  19. In the verse before this one Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples." that's right before he says verse 32. this helps me think about it better. I believe that Jesus meant that doing what He said to do, we, as humans, will be able to discern the truth. Based on that knowledge of truth that we have gained, we will then be able to be set free from lies that are constantly being told to us about how we are ugly, worthless and unloved because really we are all beautiful, priceless and loved to death... literally.


  20. I think that when Jesus said, "The truth will set you free," He was referring to Himself. Later, He says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me." (John 14:6) He is the only one that can set us free from our sins, and into heaven.


  21. I think that in John 8:32,“Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” it's saying that by knowing God, “the truth”, you will be set free of your sin.


  22. i think Jesus means that everybody should go find out the truth and free themselves.While discovering the truth,people get to know it and learn more about it.Whatever how is the truth,because we try hard to find the answer for it,we get awards.That's why when we will get free when we find the truth-Brandon

  23. In order for the
    truth to set you
    free You must first
    get to know Jesus christ beholder of
    all things good and true-luis

  24. I think Jesus meant that we will be free of sin. We are all slaves of sin, and if we know the truth which I think is the word of God, then we will know about God and we will have what we need to have to not sin as much and to be able to follow God and do what is right, which is what God says in the Bible.

  25. i Think when he say truth he actually refers to himself. And in that he's saying that he will set you free.

    Jacob #57

  26. When you speak the truth you concience is clear, therefore it does not weigh you down. Hence the part set you free, I think this is what he meant.


  27. i beleive this means, in reveling the truth, about things you may have lied about, and that will set you free.

    ~ Jacob #3

  28. when he says the truth, i think he's talking about himself being God, and once they know "the truth" or that he is God, it will set them free, in other words, get them into heaven.


  29. I believe when he says "then you will know the truth" he is reffering to himself. Jesus is pretty much saying that he is the TRUTH! So if u believe in him he will "set you free" in other words in to heaven.

