Friday, September 23, 2011

Can you prove God exist? Why or Why not?

Wow! What a question! Please do the following:
1) Ask 2 different people...perferably your parents. :)
2) Post their answers on the blog
3) Include your answer as well.

Like always, due no later than 11:59 pm, Sunday, September 25, 2011.


  1. Dad:Yes- looking at the world
    Mom: Yes- How the world was created by words, in a tangible way it is diffecult to prove he exitence but it is an act of faith because God is beyond logic though it is difficult it is possible
    Me: You can prove God's exsistance by miracles, faith, and the good things people do that are unexplainable

  2. Mom:No you cant, how do u prove spirit ? Its somthing you have to believe, I guess I wouldnt know how to prove he exists....

    Dad:Yes, by looking at the earth, & all his power, the way he performs miracles & healing & people being miraculously saved or protected when in danger

    ME:You can prove God exists by simply looking at nature & people & all the great things in the world. If there isnt a God how esle would creation exist? How would people exist & how would we wake up each & every day if there wasnt a savior...


  3. collin(my friend):no.because im not a christain
    yannie(my sister):no.because i dont have religions.
    me:no.because im not a christain or i dont have religions.

  4. 1 : Yes, because we all have life and God is the only one that can give life

    2: Yes, because just like paintings or sculpture have an artist, we have a creator. Everything was invented by someone, nothing is self-made.

    Me : I think that you can prove God exists because of everything you are surrounded by. You can't just believe it appeared, because you don't see now in days things that just appear.

  5. My sister: when my dad got deported, i got really sad. i prayed all the time for him to come back. i've always believed that God was there. but when my dad came back i thought, this can't be a coinsidence. although some people might not consider that to be proof, that is mine. to me that's how i can prove God exists.

    my mom: (she smiled when i asked her) I honestly don't know how I can prove. I have gone through so much crap in life and God has brought me out of it. that's how I know God exists. . . . .

    then my very very ignorant step dad who by the way didn't even ask and also interrupted my mom said: well yeah God exists what kind of stupid question is that?<---- he's gone to church maybe three times in his whole life. . . .

    Me: the only way i can prove that God is real if saying what i've gone through in my life and how I used to live a dark life and God brought me out of it. I have prayed so hard before that I can feel something warm spread throughout me and its such a beautiful feeling that it makes me cry. that feeling is what i call God's presence. I remember going to winterjam (christian concert) and seeing people sing in adoration and them lifting their hands up, and i thought to myself "i'm not the only was who has felt His Presence. Also knowing that I'm not the only one who believes in God is also my proof.
    Physical proof is everything that surrounds me. There's so much detail in every organism every atom. there's so much diversity in everything. Design needs a desginer. That how i can physically prove that there is a God

    sorry for my response being so long

    -Silvia D.

  6. Mom- everything that he gives us on the daily bases. Our salvation, and the food he provides for us.
    sister- because we are living in his creation.
    Me- yes,he provides for us and when we our down or in need he lifts us up from our miserys

  7. both parents said pretty much the same thing. everything around us points to a creator and how we are made in the image of God.

    Me: Everything in this world is solid evidence that God exists.

    - Ethan

  8. John-yes because I can prove Jesus exist because were did the idea of Jesus come from unless someone seen him in person and spread the word and jesus ties with god.
    Nick-Yes jesus exist becuase they found scriptures and the cloth he was burried in so god must exist.

    me-I dont think you can prove god exist becuase whats the whole point of faith


  9. My answer: yes, if you look at a leaf (or something) the leaf has a design on it, everything has a design it can't happen at random, it's like you can't take paint and just throw the bucket at a peice of paper and get a Monalisa, someone has to make the design.
    Mom: yes read the bible
    Dad: yes the universe itself is so amazing that it can't happen by chance it needs to be formed if that makes sence.

  10. to what aaron said: i've heard that too. it's like saying the monalisa was made from an explosion of paint. . . design needs a designer. art needs an artist. . .

    - silvia

  11. Mom: For me I just... I don't think there is a way- no- okay the way I prove that God exists is the miracles of life- our world -. The small miracles that we have no other explanation for... Like flowers... Willow trees... A perfect day, y'know? And y'know, the absolute existence of God was the day that you were born. There's no other explanation of creation without God when you were born. When you breathed and cried for the first time. Real all consuming love and the miracle of life, its a power and gift only God could give us.

    Grandma: I think that, if there is a God that someone prays to, or follows, and that, praying to them makes their lives better, that is how you prove that there is a God.

    Me: God exists because there is no other explanation as to why we are here. Sure there is the Big Bang Theory, but that doesn't explain all the trees and water and life that fills Earth except for God.

  12. Mom- Yes, the Bible says so.

    Nick (friend)- Yes, "I believe in Him with all my heart and soul"

    Me- God's existence can be proven through nature. Everything in nature speaks to God's existence because it was created by Him.


  13. Neighbor:: How would we have anything we have without a God? You can’t prove it because that’s where faith comes in. Everything proves there is God.
    Mom:No you cannot. It is a belief system.
    Me:I believe that we cannot prove that God exists. I believe this because if we believe in him we wont need to prove this. But if we need to prove it to someone who doesn't believe in him we couldn't because it is all about faith.

  14. Dad: Yes, because the order of creation demonstrates that there is an intelligent design. Also the Bible has 66 books written by many different people over a long period of time and yet it tells one cohesive story which points to one Spirit dictating that story.

    Sister: Yes, who else would have made anything? There has to be a designer.

    Myself: Yes, the design of the universe had to have designer. A watch couldn't make itself and neither could the earth. So who else besides God?

  15. Mom: "Yes and no. I can only prove it to those who are open to believing. I can never prove to someone who won't listen and won't believe. I believe that a level of faith is needed in order to believe.

    Rayni: Can you see the wind? Do you know it is there? You can't prove that God exists; you can only show that he's there.

    Me: When people ask me if I can prove God exists, I always say that things have to be created, they can't just happen. The universe and everything in it couldn't just appear from chaos. It's just too complicated. If the human body was underdeveloped even the slightest bit, it wouldn't work and then it wouldn't be able to survive.


  16. Mom: No I cannot prove that he exists but God can. creation cannot just happen by itself.
    Dad: Yes, because I think that what is taught in schools, porves a God. If you go back far enough you have to get to a creator. Like the "big bang". Where did the matter come from?
    Me: I agree most with my dad, there are so many things that are unexplainable by evolution but only by inteligent design, like a flagellum. However, there is more to it than just creation. He answers prayers and we are all created with a void that can only be filled by him. Some try but are always going to feel empty. We all have an inherent desire for love and desire to be appart of something bigger than ourselves. That does not just happen by evolution.

  17. Dad: Yes. There has to be some super-intelligent creator of all this, and not only intelligent, but also loving; because look at how perfectly all of this is made. I say that that creator is God.
    Mom: Yes. There are many ways to prove that God exists, but the foremost among them, in my opinion, is that He changed me. I have a peace in my heart and a strength that I can feel in my life.
    Me: Yes. If you look at how perfect God made this universe to fit our needs, such as how exactly perfect the Earth is in distance to the Sun, or how if one thing was wrong with our bodies we would still be "evolving"; after you look at all of that, you must be blind to not see the truth of creation. This Earth wasn't made over gajillions of years; God said it and, BAM, it happened.


  18. Me: Yes , who else could create the nature around us, like in the article we read, even some scientists have proved things in the bible are true.

    Sister: Yes, because if God didn't exist she wouldn't be here


  19. My Dad: Yes because of the bible you read and it says its true and you know its true
    My Brother: Yes Because Of creation, how things were made

  20. Mom: the Bible through God's word.
    Dad: there are 3 ways.
    1. Human Conscience - Romans 2:10-15 area.
    2. God's word states the existence of God - The Bible.
    3. Creation-Romans 1, Psalm 19, Genesis 1-3.
    There is nothing in this world that hasn't been created. Everything has a design, so there must have been a designer behind it. Examples like fingerprint, snowflake, life cycle, etc. Scientist are still studying DNA because of the details and new things they discover about it. Takes too much faith to say there is no God. In order to say there is no God, you must be God, because only He knows everything.

  21. that one above was me David

  22. Dad-looking around and seeing nature and how it didn't just happen.

    Mom-through the Bible and how it says God exists.

    Me-God exists based no the Bile and how it talks about it in the book of Genesis. Alo in nature because of all the complex structures and how all of it didn't just happen.

    Ethan 7th

  23. Me-God exists based on the Bible...
    Ethan 7th

  24. dad-yes, i think you can prove that God exists, you can prove that jesus existed and you can prove that jesus was more than man.
    mom- just the fact that there is any good in the world proves that God exists. when I see good, I only see God, b/c God is the source of all good.


  25. Dad- "Yes, i think you can prove that God exists, you can prove that Jesus was more than man".
    Mom- "Just the fact thath there is any good in the world proves that God exsists. When i see good, i only see God, Because God is the source of all good".

    Me- Yes, because just how my mother and father stated that there good in our world today. That should prove he exsists.


  26. Dad- " yes i can prove God exists, all you have to do is look around you."

    mom- " yes by the way you feel after doing something good for a stranger or anyone period. there is no other explanation."

    Me- can we prove God exists?.... possibly. .. but what i may call proof of Gods existence , another may call a joke, a fluke, or a fixed experiment.

    Jacob (the small

  27. Mr. Clark I Talked To You About This In Class
    My Response Is #4 :: Mayra

  28. Mom- He's not something physical that can be seen, so I don't know how you would prove he's real.

    Cousin- No you cannot prove he exists. Belief is faith based, not proof based.

    Me- No, there is no way to prove he exists. His existence is based on what you believe, not on physical proof.

  29. Dad- No you cannot. That is why the Bible talks about faith. God is outside of science. Science measures what God created, but cannot measure the creator.

    Mom- You can't prove that he exists because we can't measure the spiritual, but we can know that he exists because we see what he has done.

    Me- We can prove God exists by looking all around us. People and the world need to have been made by someone and that someone is God.

  30. oops the one above is from Analise.

  31. Friend Lisa, I think that is impossible to confine God in any way.I believe that God is in every living thing.God is an essence that exist in greater than the human mind.

    My friend Betty, I can't prove that God exist because God can't be perceived with human senses.

    Me- I can prove God exist even though we can't see.Here is my example: We can't see the wind but there is wind and we know by the wind's effect.I also can prove by God's creation.I'm one of his creations.


  32. Pastor Lal Siama Yes. God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in the spirit and in truth (John 4:24). He has no need of anyone or anything outside of Himself. All of human being is created by God’s image. Our spirit testifying God’s spirit and also we can worship him by spirit, in the rest of our life our spirit will be meeting with God (Eccle. 12:7). The Holy Scriptures give no proof the existence of God, but declare with authority that God is. God exists in a perfect oneness. God declares something of Himself through His creation, the whole universe is the mirror of His perfection (Ps.19:1-2).
    Me- There are many ways to prove that God exist one thing that Jesus said in Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

    Uncle- can prove God exist looking at his creation In Gen 1:1 said " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".

  33. Mom- Objectively, the existence of organized life systems prove the existence of God. When things in nature are left to themselves, they move toward randomness and disorganization. The existence of God accounts for order coming out of disorganization. Subjectively, a person can prove the existence of God by entering into a vital relationship with him.

    Luke(brother)- God is proven to be real by people who speak in tongues. Some of these people never spoke/studied the languages which they receive. This proves a divine power. EAT IT ATHEISTS!

    Me- Yes, because look at our bodies, the earth, nature; none of that could happen just by chance. There had to be a greater power to create it all, and that power is God.


  34. Mother - proving God exist is one of the easiest thing to do. Simply just look around.

    Grandmother - Since God cannot be seen with the naked eye. We cannot prove God exist.

    Me - No, I do not think Gods existence can be proven. Simply because no one can see God with the named eye.


  35. friend-can't prove that God exist!

    cousin- by living it out!

    i-cant prove to anyone because someone always going to say sonething different.


  36. I forgot to write my name bu its the 14th entry on the blog... JOSH!!!!
